
Compiler optimization

Our compiler is in Alpha stage, so any PR or fix are welcome. Compiler improves performance for basic requests which were performed by benchmarks. But you can optimize your requests by doing some basic things. Let's go, there will be few tweaks to read.

Compiler will try to use new Function (on all versions) to execute, but if fails, try to use eval (only on PRO version) to improve performance. If in your route you use some global functions or instances, eval will be used, so SECURITY isn't guaranteed

req.headers, req.params only can be optimized

Will be optimized

  • req.headers.foo

  • req.headers["foo"]

  • const { foo } = req.headers


app.get((req, res) => {
    const { origin } = req.headers; // This line will be optimized by compiler

Will not be optimized

  • { foo } = headers

  • ({ headers }, res) => {...}


app.get(({ headers }, res) => {
    // or const { headers } = req;
    const { origin } = headers; // But this line will not be optimized

Improve error stack trace logs

Try to call node --enable-source-maps server.js

Last updated